Badminton Za Sve tournament – its a start

We had our first tournament for recreative players on 19.5.2019 in Športski Centar Višnjik. All together 24  doubles team participated and played against each other using Swiss tournament system. Teams from Brać, Split, Šibenik, Zagreb, Japan and of course Zadar participated. Unfortunately, a team from BiH had to withdraw.

As per the Swiss tournament system, 5 rounds were scheduled with 12 matches in each round, played on 4 courts. While the players were waiting they had chance to engage their artistic skills to draw something to create a memory outside the court. Thanks to our sponsor, Sonik, players had refreshments and banana available during the tournament. During the end we opened our stand for burgers and draft beer.

As per the swiss tournament rules, it was ensured that, on average, as the tournament comes to end, the matches are more equal and interesting. In the 5th(last) round, we had only 2 teams who had already won all their rounds.  One of them was definitely a clear winner. The system at the end still works like a full round-robin league system. This meant that last match did not guaranteed 2nd place. The team who lost that final match ended up at the 4th place. This way the system ensures that the ranking is based on the overall performance of the team throughout the tournament and not just the final match.

Final ranking table

Before the winners presentation, we distributed other players gifts from our sponsor Yonex based on lucky draw. For the last 3 teams we had medals, gift coupons of total worth 1000kn from our sponsor Decathlon and another gift pack from Yonex. A special gift was given to our youngest member, Lovre, who is in love with Badminton. Already at the age of 7 he had decided his sport. We are trying to create opportunities to provide him an environment for training and competitions.

Based on the interactions and our feedback form, we understand that in general teams were happy and satisfied with the tournament. We did get some constructive feedback and we look forward to improve, whatever is in our control.

badminton za sve, zadar, feedback form

Many thanks once again to all participants, team from our club, who helped to translate documents(one is still learning Croatian 🙂 ), organize food, hall and equipment and specially our sponsors!

We from our club are looking forward to our next tournament. Please follow our facebook and instagram accounts to remain updated on the date.

More photos on our google photo collection